Vejle’s Resilience Journey

In February 2016, Vejle launched its Resilience Strategy with the intent of becoming an innovative frontrunner that demonstrates how small cities can solve big problems. Over the last four years, internal and external stakeholders have accepted the strategy’s invitation to collaborate and are now actively working together toward developing tomorrow’s resilient Vejle – a cohesive, robust, and sustainable city.

Located between an inlet and a valley with lakes and rivers, Vejle is placed in a beautiful area of Denmark, but one which is also prone to rising water levels and at risk of flooding and storm surges. When dealing with the water from above and below, Vejle seeks out solutions that are not only climate-friendly, but also have multiple other benefits, such as educating as well as engaging people, creating a stronger sense of community, exploiting technological advances, improving infrastructure, and boosting the physical and mental health of the city’s residents.

This resilient and holistic approach to problems and solutions permeates the city of Vejle and its decision-making. From large-scale projects such as dealing with storm surges or developing new neighborhoods in this ever-growing municipality, to everyday problems and solutions.

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