As part of the Right Here, Right Now Education Coalition led by the  University of Oxford, with the support of the University of Colorado Boulder, Right Here, Right Now offers free K-12 Curriculum that was designed around the themes of the inaugural Summit.

Right Here, Right Now also offers a vast trove of K-12 Curriculum developed by the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), whose team of educators and scientists have reviewed and organized the best free teaching resources for K-12 through college related to climate change.


Right Here, Right Now focuses on the human rights impacts and challenges created by climate change as well as the need for human-focused solutions. For further background on the Summit and a human rights-centered perspective, please review this article: “How a human rights approach to climate change can spark real change.” 

The Summit explored solutions that every sector of society - government, business, education and individuals can adopt, including:

  • Advancing education about climate change as a human rights crisis.
  • Discussing the responsibilities and obligations of various entities to address crises
  • Identifying actionable solutions that are grounded in respect for human rights


The Guide supports educators working to connect formal and informal learning spaces with the Summit content. The guide is divided into three sections to match the three Summit themes: Impacts, Obligations, and Solutions, and includes educational materials focused on climate science and understanding earth systems through a human rights lens. 

To access the guides please click on the following themes below:


RHRN supports the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Curriculum, whose team of educators and scientists have reviewed and organized the best free teaching resources for K-12 through college.

  • Every item in the CLEAN collection is rigorously peer-reviewed by teams of educators and scientists. All resources are free and available online.

  • The CLEAN project is funded by the National Science Foundation, NOAA, and the Department of Energy.

  • The collection is widely used by the education community, and now receives over 16,000 monthly website visits.

  • Materials are designed for the for K-12 teacher, college educator, informal educators, and anyone looking for quality educational resources. The collection includes lesson plans, projects, videos, demos, and more.

  • The entire collection is NGSS-integrated and ready to support three-dimensional learning.





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